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Premed Catalyst Mentorship will help you stand out to your dream medical schools. Craft a cohesive, impactful narrative!

The Problem

Getting into medical school can be overwhelming

Problem #1
Where will you get in?
Will you be forced to go to a school thousands of miles away from your family? The one school that accepts you just for your high GPA and MCAT score, without any support for your interests? Or will you have a choice of where you'll spend the next 4 years of your life and the start of your medical career?
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Problem #2
When will you get in?
Most premeds don't want to take gap years. But only 33.7% of matriculants are competitive enough to get accepted  
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How will you get in?
Are you going to grind away? Wondering if you're wasting time hospital volunteering just transferring phones? All while comparing yourself to other superstar premeds? Or will your golden college years be a time you smile on?
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We believe adamantly that not all acceptances are the same.       

50,000 premeds applied to medical school. 60% of them failed to earn a single acceptance. This means that average = rejection. Medical school admissions require a longer-term strategy, especially if you want to get into specific programs or high-tier institutions. Avoid being average. We’ll show you how.

Go from overwhelmed to confident

You’re an ambitious premed, but just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you’re competitive.  We’ll assess your application, and understand your strengths and weaknesses to build a well-rounded application that is authentic to your interests.

The Premed Catalyst Mentorship program

Accomplish these in Premed Catalyst Mentorship:

Get Glowing LORs
Why it matters
Generic ones won't cut it. Too often, premeds string together letters of recommendation from professors who don’t say anything more than their grades in the class. Get advocates for your acceptances.
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impactful clinical experiences
Why it matters
Too many premeds spend time wiping down "high touch" areas in hospital volunteering. When they have to answer "Why medicine?" the answer ends up being generic. Get impactful experiences that you can talk about in essays and interviews.
Book a Free Strategy Session
Build an authentic, cohesive narrative
Why it matters
Most premeds don't think about their narratives until they apply. AdComs know when premeds are stretching their narrative or worse, when their narrative is inauthentic. We're going to focus on YOUR interests and get opportunities that will differentiate you from the other 50,000 other premeds who apply every year.
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Detailed Yearly Timelines
Why it matters
When you live the premed life week to week it creates blind spots. In our Mentorship Program, you will know exactly when you’ll take the MCAT, Letters of rec. research, clinical experience, and everything you need to apply. Until it’s time to, you won’t worry about anything else because you have a clear plan, tailored to fit your medical school journey.
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Get Impactful Opportunities
Why it matters
Understand what an impactful opportunity looks like before you invest hundreds of hours in it. Get activities that fit your interests, and that you can grow in. Too often premeds get stuck in activities that they don’t care about and aren’t making them more competitive. You should not have to worry about your PI sponsoring your project OR getting stuck with an activity you aren’t actually passionate about.
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Multi-year support
Why it matters
The most competitive premeds aren't made in a semester. We work with our students over the course of years to make them into the most competitive premed they can be. We’ll continue to check in and push you so you can get close to your dream medical school.

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Get glowing LORs

Phase 1
Glowing LORS
Why it matters
Generic ones won't cut it. Too often, premeds string together letters of recommendation from professors who don’t say anything more than their grade in the class. Get advocates for your acceptances.
Book a Free Strategy Session

Understand the Patient-Physician Relationship

Phase 2
Patient Physician Relationship
Why it matters
Generic ones won't cut it. Too often, premeds string together letters of recommendation from professors who don’t say anything more than their grade in the class. Get advocates for your acceptances.
Book a Free Strategy Session

Get glowing LORs

Phase 1
Glowing LORS
Why it matters
Generic ones won't cut it. Too often, premeds string together letters of recommendation from professors who don’t say anything more than their grade in the class. Get advocates for your acceptances.
Book a Free Strategy Session

Get glowing LORs

Phase 1
Glowing LORS
Why it matters
Generic ones won't cut it. Too often, premeds string together letters of recommendation from professors who don’t say anything more than their grade in the class. Get advocates for your acceptances.
Book a Free Strategy Session

Get glowing LORs

Phase 1
Glowing LORS
Why it matters
Generic ones won't cut it. Too often, premeds string together letters of recommendation from professors who don’t say anything more than their grade in the class. Get advocates for your acceptances.
Book a Free Strategy Session

Get glowing LORs

Phase 1
Glowing LORS
Why it matters
Generic ones won't cut it. Too often, premeds string together letters of recommendation from professors who don’t say anything more than their grade in the class. Get advocates for your acceptances.
Book a Free Strategy Session

Your Application Matters

A Tailored experience

Meet week-to-week to gain extracurriculars and LORs.
Stay competitive with quarterly strategy sessions.
Get text-based support anytime from a personal mentor.

We have only room for 4 students per month. Get started now.

Every premed journey is different. And that means every premed needs a slightly different approach. That's why we take on a limited number of students every month to ensure we have enough time for each student.

Take Action.

“The mentorship program got me to take more action to make opportunities for myself and take greater control of my premed trajectory. The biggest benefit was learning how to carve out opportunities in areas I’m genuinely excited about, rather than wait for opportunities to fall in my lap.”

Duke | Sophomore
Take your application to the next level.

"I had a basic idea of what I needed to be a competitive applicant, but I was confused on how to start and who to reach out to. Premed Catalyst has helped me come up with a theme and has helped me find programs and contacts that I probably would have never reached out to or looked into on my own."

UCLA | Freshman
Get Support towards your Dream Medical School!

"Premed Catalyst has helped me by providing me with a framework to pursue my goals, much needed accountability, and most importantly a support system to field my concerns and answer my questions/help with decision making"

EMORY | Sophomore
Change your mind about being premed...

"The biggest thing that Premed Catalyst helped me with is my mindset and approach. Before starting, I feel like I was just drifting and aimless with my end goals. Starting the program really helped me solidify my interests and goals.  have a more linear and solid view on my premed journey"

Berkeley | Sophomore
Get direction.

“Premed Catalyst gave me direction in my premed plan and has made me start thinking about how I present/market  myself as a premed on an application. Given me more confidence knowing that someone else is looking at my plan and can give input rather than wandering alone.”

UCLA | Junior
Build a network that supports you.

"Premed Catalyst has helped me come up with a theme and has helped me find programs and contacts that I probably would have never reached out to or looked into on my own."

UCLA | Sophomore
Get clarity on your journey.

“it’s helped me get clear on what is working and helping me reach my goal and what is not. It’s helped me divide my time better and get clear on what exactly I need to do right now and everyday to become a doctor.”

University of Colorado | Junior
Stay motivated.

"Premed Catalyst kept me motivated to push to keep going and find another way when otherwise i would have given up on my own"

UCLA | Sophomore
Plan your next years.

“Premed Catalyst helped me out with planning my coursework, helping me prepare for interviews and write club applications, advising me in terms of clubs and summer programs”

UCLA | Freshman
Learn to love your premed journey.

“Premed Catalyst Mentorship helped me by allowing me to approach my academic pursuits in a methodological manner. I've been able to do things I enjoy at school instead of previously slogging through previous activities because "it would look good for med schools.”

UCLA | Sophmore
An overall boost.

“It has helped me in a lot of facets, both personal, education, and professional. My life has truly been much more on track and organized since I have joined Premed Catalyst Mentorship.”

UCLA | Sophomore
Go from confused to focused.

“It has helped me gain a sense of direction. Before I was kind of paralyzed with all the things I had to do. Mentorship takes the questions of how to execute away. It allows me to focus more on doing something without having to worry whether I am approaching something the right way or not.”

UCI | Sophomore
If you believe the same, we want to work with you!

How it works

The Premed Catalysts way

Step 1

Get started for free

In our free 60-minute consultation, you'll get a full breakdown of how competitive you are currently. You'll understand the EXACT deficiencies and strengths of your application so you can QUIT doing things that aren't making you competitive while DOUBLING DOWN on your strengths. We'll create a personalized plan for what the next years need to look like so you can be confident in your journey.
Step 2

Get Competitive

Learn the skills to become a competitive premed. To get stand out research with a PI who will advocate for your acceptance. To get meaningful community service. We coach our students through outreach for activities, and applications. Our approach means you get results FAST so you can spend less time worrying, and more time becoming more competitive. If you feel behind your peers, this is common for our students.
Step 3

Maintain Momentum

Sometimes premeds go into “autopilot” and coast, assuming they are competitive for their dream medical schools because they have a high GPA and MCAT. This is the last thing our students want. We'll handle tough conversations to push you so you can feel in control of your journey and ultimately understand if you are on track for your target medical schools.  Additionally, we'll continually assess your activities.

Get started for free

Step 1
About Phase
In our free 60-minute consultation, you'll get a full breakdown of how competitive you are currently. You'll understand the EXACT deficiencies and strengths of your application so you can QUIT doing things that aren't making you competitive while DOUBLING DOWN on your strengths. We'll create a personalized plan for what the next years needs to look like so you can be confident in your journey.

Get Competitive

Step 2
About Phase
In our free 60-minute consultation, you'll get a full breakdown of how competitive you are currently. You'll understand the EXACT deficiencies and strengths of your application so you can QUIT doing things that aren't making you competitive while DOUBLING DOWN on your strengths. We'll create a personalized plan for what the next years needs to look like so you can be confident in your journey.

Maintain Momentum

Step 3
About Phase
Sometimes premeds go into “autopilot” and coast, assuming they are competitive for their dream medical schools because they have a high GPA and MCAT. This is the last thing our students want. We'll handle tough conversations to push you so you can feel in control of your journey and ultimately understand if you are on track for your target medical schools.  Additionally, we'll continually assess your activities
Meet   Your Head Coach  Mike

"Getting into medical school can be overwhelming"

Hey, I'm Mike, Head of Mentorship and Co-Founder of Premed Catalyst. I earned my MD from UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. Now, I'm an anesthesiology resident at Mt. Sinai in NYC. I've helped hundreds of premeds over the past 7 years get accepted to their dream schools. As a child of Vietnamese immigrants, I understand how important becoming a physician is not only for oneself but also for one's family. Getting into my dream school opened opportunities I would have never had.

Let me help you do the same.
We bring on a limited number of students each month to ensure we give each time our attention.
FAQ Section
Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Premed Catalyst

Still, have questions in mind? Contact us directly!

Talk to us
Who are your Mentors?
Can we speak to any of your current students?
By Mike Muous
Dec 22, 2022
View our new program & brand at premed

What does a session with a mentor look like?
What are your guarantees?