How to Get into UCLA Medical School: The Ultimate Guide for 2024-2025

April 3, 2024

Written By

Zach French

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Renowned for its innovative approach to medical education, UCLA Medical School (also known as the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA) is a dream destination for many aspiring doctors. In this post, we'll explore everything you need to know to craft a compelling application.

We’ll share:

  • An overview of UCLA Medical School’s curriculum for MD students
  • Tuition fees 
  • Required premed courses, GPA, and MCAT
  • Current admission rates
  • How to write your David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA (DGSOM) admission essay
  • Letter of recommendation guidelines
  • UCLA medical school eligibility restrictions
  • Application timeline

Without further ado, let’s get started.

An Overview of UCLA Medical School’s Curriculum for MD Students

The UCLA Medical School's MD curriculum, known as the HEALS Curriculum, is designed to train the next generation of physicians with a focus on integrating new and emerging content into medical education. 

  • In the first year (MS1), students are immersed in a case-based learning approach, designed to cultivate a physician's mindset. Students have an early and authentic clinical experience. 
  • In the second year (MS2), the curriculum is enriched with eight diverse clerkship experiences (emergency medicine, family medicine, medicine, neurology, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery). This phase of the curriculum also introduces students to a range of emerging topics in the medical field.
  • In the third year (MS3) the curriculum includes a designated period for students to immerse themselves in an in-depth, meaningful scholarly, and creative pursuit within their chosen field. This period is known as DGSOM Discovery, and students can either enroll in one of the concurrent master’s degree programs available at UCLA or participate in the DGSOM Discovery Area of Concentration (AoC) Program.
  • In their final year (MS4), medical students at UCLA embark on clinical electives and navigate residency interviews, culminating their studies with a comprehensive capstone course. This year also encourages students to deepen their engagement in research and scientific exploration.

Students may choose between two pathways to have a more focused educational experience, these are:

  • Urban health equity pathway - For students interested in focusing on communities historically marginalized, particularly in South Los Angeles, where economic and social barriers have limited access to healthcare.
  • Global health equity pathway - For students who want to have global transformative experiences.

Additionally, there are some alternatives to getting your MD beyond the traditional path. You may also opt for:

  • The UCLA/Charles R. Drew Medical Education Program is a collaborative four-year MD program that enrolls 24 students annually. It emphasizes community involvement and leadership in healthcare for underserved populations. Students spend their first two years at UCLA before completing their studies at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. 
  • The PRIME-LA program, which is a five-year dual degree with a focus on training medical leaders to enhance health care, research, and policies in underserved areas.
  • The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), in collaboration with Caltech, is focused on training highly qualified individuals for careers in biomedical and socio-medical sciences. It accepts about 15 students per year and takes eight years to complete.

Overall, UCLA Medical School's MD curriculum is continually updated to include new and emerging content, ensuring that students are exposed to the latest advancements in medical science. In contrast to many other institutions, they are introduced to clinical rotations much earlier than in traditional curriculums. Also, it's worth noting that the program allocates dedicated time for students to engage in research, dual degree programs, electives, and advocacy work, providing a flexible and comprehensive educational experience tailored to their diverse interests and career goals.

UCLA Medical School Tuition Fees and Scholarships

Tuition fees at UCLA Medical School vary slightly depending on your academic year. For freshman students, they go as follows:

  • Tuition - $43,843
  • Living Expenses (food and housing)- $26,270
  • Books, course materials, equipment and supplies- $3,510
  • Transportation- $3,940
  • Loan Fees- $882
  • Miscellaneous- $5,680

With all the mentioned fees included, the total cost of attendance comes to $84,125. Non-CA resident students must pay the additional $12,245, totaling their cost of attendance to $96,370.

Financial Aid

Scholarships played a significant role in student support for the class of 2027. A substantial 89% of students benefited from financial aid. UCLA Medical School offers a range of financial aid options, including medical school scholarships and loans. In addition to financial assistance, they provide resources and guidance on financial health, including financial literacy and debt management.

How Hard Is It To Get Into UCLA Medical School?

The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA admissions process is competitive and holistic, considering a range of factors, including:

  • Academic performance
  • MCAT scores
  • Personal essays
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Personal experiences
  • Letters of recommendation

While academic grades are important, they are not the sole factor in application evaluation. This comprehensive approach ensures each application component is assessed equally to ensure you're a well-rounded candidate.

Required Premed Courses at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, the admissions process doesn't focus on specific prerequisite courses. Instead, it allows applicants to showcase their competence in key areas through their diverse academic experiences. This approach is aimed at assessing the foundational skills necessary for success in medical school.

Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate the following competencies through their completed college-level coursework:

  • Biological Sciences and Physiology- Cellular and molecular biology and genetics
  • Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physical Sciences- Inorganic and organic chemistry, biochemistry of intermediary metabolism, and associated laboratory activities.
  • Humanities- This competency might include art, literature, history, philosophy, religion, ethics, economics, social behavior, and psychology.
  • Mathematics and Statistics- This competency might include biomathematics, computer science, and matrix algebra.

They also consider awareness of healthcare delivery, human diversity, and research experience. Skills in writing, communication, clinical experiences, and interpersonal skills are equally important. You can check out our five favorite premed extracurriculars for UCLA med school on our YouTube channel.

UCLA Medical School GPA, MCAT, GPA, and Admission Rate

The admissions process for the class of 2027 at UCLA Medical School was highly competitive. DGSOM received a total of 13,064 applications and the acceptance rate was approximately 2.9%. The class eventually enrolled 175 med students.

In terms of academic performance, admitted students had an MCAT average of 514 and the average GPA was 3.8. 

Want to learn how to not be another generic high stat pre-med student?

How to Write Your David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Essay

After completing your AMCAS application, you’ll need to write several secondary essays specifically for UCLA Medical School. These essays are crucial as they allow you to demonstrate how your background aligns with the institution, beyond what is conveyed in your general medical school personal statement and the AMCAS Work and Activities section.

UCLA's secondary application for medical school involves answering brief questions with an 800-character limit, requiring concise and thoughtful responses. For example:

‍At the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, students are provided with curriculum and experiences enabling them to become an "outstanding physician" and dedicating themselves to important societal missions. What missions do you want to embrace? What have you done toward your missions? (800 characters)

Here, the focus is on what is important for you and how you envision making a difference as a physician. A successful strategy involves selecting a medical specialty or public health issue of interest, discussing relevant experiences, and connecting these ambitions to UCLA's offerings. 

UCLA Medical School Letter of Recommendation Requirements and Guidelines

Applicants can submit 3 to 5 letters of recommendation to enter UCLA Medical School. The best letter writers for their application process are individuals who know the applicant well. This could be a professor, a peer, a mentor, or an employer. The key is to choose someone who can effectively highlight your qualities. The focus is not on the status of the letter writer but on their ability to convey your strengths and potential for medicine. 

Overall, applicants should choose letters they believe will best support their application. It's important to note that while these guidelines are strongly recommended, they are not strict requirements.​

Our full breakdown video will help you learn more about how to write great letters of recommendation for UCLA med school:

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Eligibility Restrictions

UCLA Medical School has several eligibility restrictions for its admissions process:

  • You must have a Bachelor’s or Graduate degree from a U.S. or Canadian institution
  • You don't need a minimum GPA or MCAT to apply
  • You must take the AAMC PREview exam (if you're choosing the traditional MD path, other programs don't require it)
  • You don't need to take a set of specific classes, instead, you must meet a set of competency levels
  • You can apply up to two times 
  • There's no Early Decision Program
  • Admissions are solely for new applicants; the institution does not accept transfer students.

Are International Students Eligible to Apply to UCLA Medical School?

The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA evaluates all applicants, whether they are in-state, out-of-state, or international, without any preference or separate evaluation processes. Their approach to candidate evaluation is holistic, ensuring equal consideration for all.

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Application Timeline 

The timeline for the 2024-2025 academic year at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is not yet available. However, to give you an idea based on last year's schedule, the process typically includes:

  • Early October: AMCAS application deadline
  • Within two weeks of invitation: Secondary application submission 
  • July to November: Application reviews 
  • August to March: Interviews are conducted
  • Mid-October: Commencement of admission

Let’s Put You on the Path to UCLA Medical School

UCLA Medical School looks for candidates with a holistic profile, valuing not only academic excellence and strong MCAT scores but also a commitment to community service, leadership, and diverse experiences. They seek individuals who demonstrate the potential to contribute significantly to the medical field and the well-being of diverse patient populations. 

Starting the journey toward UCLA medical school can be challenging, and it's essential to show why you're a good fit. This often begins during your freshman year of college, and at Premed Catalyst, we're here to support you along the way.

Premed Catalyst is focused on helping premed students navigate the path to medical school. Our goal is to assist you in building a solid foundation and a compelling narrative to strengthen your medical school application.

We provide personalized mentorship and advice tailored to your individual journey. To get started, simply fill out a quick form (it'll only take a couple of minutes) and take the first step toward pursuing your dream of wearing the white coat!